Tuesday 13 November 2012

Our Movie Plot Back Story.

The risen 
(Back story)

Five years before the events of the risen (2014), during the early stages of the war between Afghanistan and the united kingdom a company known as the Icarus Corporation created test facility in the south of Wales, in the woods a few miles away from a small market town. Icarus Corporation was a secret organisation that experimented with state of the art technology to create weaponry and defenses for the British army in order to give them the upper hand. However, the corporation worked in secret, meaning that they could not be questioned by the government or anybody else for their unorthodox methods. They where literally invisible, not even existing on the map due to a cloaking device the corporation used to hide their facility from anybody passing by, the area was known to the public as being an old mine field and it was never confirmed that every mine was deactivated. This served as the perfect plot to lure anyone away from the invisible facility.
Due to working in such secrecy the army force that they supplied their goods too where never permitted to set foot in the grounds in case of anyone seeing them enter, instead Icarus where smart about how they carried out their transactions with the army. 
When constructing the underground parts of the facility (where most of the actual structure was, rather than risking exposure on the surface during construction) the builders were told to dig underground tunnels connecting the facility with nearby towns without anybody knowing. 
These tunnels where at least two miles beneath the ground to ensure that nobody could hear the sound of the drills digging through the underground as they constructed the tunnels. Whenever the corporation needed to exchange their goods for funds with the army they would use one of these tunnels, where there would be a task force of Icarus guards waiting at the other end, these guards would then escort the goods to the rendezvous set by the army. The army would get their goods, win another battle, and the Icarus Corporation would receive their funds, and get one step closer to their real goal. The goal of which they kept secret from the army, domination. 
Within the facility, Icarus Corp’ had bigger plans for their research. They believed themselves to be more important than the forces they supplied and even more powerful, so they took matters into their own hands without consulting the army. 
They plotted to create their own force, more powerful than any army that has fought on the earth since the beginning of time. But to do this they need people, test subjects, hundreds of them. 
In 2017 Icarus corporation launched a project in which they would send out groups of specially trained solders into the night and abduct people of all ages and genders from the nearby towns that connected by the tunnels. The plan worked perfectly, with each group using the same technology used on the facility to cloak them as they moved swiftly through the night, abducting people from every corner of the town, but being careful not alert to much attention to themselves. 
The corporation knew of course that it would not be before long until the police got involved and effected their plan, but before the police could even send out search parties, the solders where ordered to stop the abductions as Icarus had all they needed.
Three days of raiding the towns for test subjects went by and Icarus already had hundreds of people abducted and locked away in holding cells, on the lowest level of the facility.
It was clear that the police where on red alert in search for all the missing people from the area but there was absolutely no clue left behind by the icarus solders to where they were taken, as each group of soldiers would insert sleeping gas through the vents in the homes while cloaked, then use devices known as skeleton keys, provided through Icarus research, to open the door as if opening it with a normal house key. They could then slip into the home undetected to snatch their chosen test subject. All gas canisters where then carefully disposed of and they would leave the home in the exact way it was before, leaving no trace of anyone even being there.  
With the Icarus corporation in possession of over a hundred people to test on, there real plan could now finally unfold. The chair man of Icarus Corporation, ordered the workers of the facility to expose each test subject to what the corporation called the husk virus. The researchers at the facility worked on this virus for the army as a chemical weapon which they specified to wipe the memory of anyone it was exposed to. 
The British army planned to use this chemical weapon on Afghanistan, to end all conflict, but in a way that did not murder innocent civilians. They then planned to move task forces into Afghan towns and teach all those affected by the weapon how to do everything again. 
However before the chemical could even be finished Afghanistan declared a peace treaty with the British forces in 2016, making the research useless to the army, but not useless for Icarus.
The corporation tampered with the husk virus so that not only would it wipe the memory of those it was exposed to but it would also speed up muscle growth, make them more alert and have much faster reflexes that the average human being. They then planned to teach those infected to be killing machines for Icarus, knowing only to kill. 
Despite the Icarus Corps’ extensive research and planning into their project, every test subject that the exposed to the husk virus soon died alone in their cell before they showed any signs of any symptoms that they had planned. With that plan ruined the chairman of Icarus ordered that all body’s where to be removed from their cells and burnt in the furnace room so that no trace of their deaths could ever be found, backed up by nobody even knowing their location.
So on during the late months of 2018, the workers at the icarus facility carried out their orders and made their way to clear out every cell in the lower levels where the subjects where kept. The dead had been there for a few days before the order was made and they appeared to be very skinny and pale skinned. When the buzzers went off alerting the facility that the cells where open, the workers moved in and started their job, but to their surprise the dead rose. 
In each cell, the test subjects rose from the dead, with gaunt skull like faces and red bloodshot eyes, hungry for flesh. They attacked the workers and tore them limb from limb eating their flesh and moving on to the next group. Not expecting it at all, the workers were not armed and stood no chance against the horde of hundreds of undead. 
In panic, Icarus chairman ordered that the lower levels where to be shut off from the rest of the facility but it wasn't quick enough, the horde moved fast through the levels, even the facility’s guards where overrun by the infected, there was just too many of them to be stopped by the small amount of solders the facility had onsite at that present time. There was no stopping them, and it wasn't long before they were close to the surface and that’s when the chairman had to make the hardest decision of his life, eradication. 
The chairman of Icarus Corporation was based in a tower, sat at the highest part of the facility, (it was that tower which emitted the cloaking field) and in his tower he could control the rest of the facility. 
Sacrificing his own life and all those workers who still ran from the infected inside, he made the decision to self destruct the facility, destroying all the underground and completely leveling the surface. The explosion was a singularity device, created by the Icarus Corp themselves, that would destroy anything in the radius of the device without an explosion unlike any normal bomb, so that in an emergency like this, nobody would know that anything was happening unless they stood directly outside the fenced off area of ‘the mine field’. 
Before the hordes could reach the surface, the chairman detonated the singularity device and the whole facility caved in on its self. The surface levels dropped into the underground, and the lower levels where crushed by anything above, all those inside where either crushed by debris or killed by the infected. 
The cloaking device that hid the facility was still emitting the field as it fell with the rest of the facility, now all that can be seen is a bumpy bit of terrain with in the ‘mine field’. 
It won’t be long until the emitter loses power and flattened facility is revealed to the world, but none of that matters anymore to the Icarus Corporation as they are now cease to exist.  
However, before the whole facility was destroyed and before the chairman even set off the singularity device, some of the infected escaped into the tunnels of which the Corporation used for their transactions with the army, and the majority of them escaped through tunnel 13, the one which lead straight into the old dungeon at Abergavenny castle.

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