Sunday 7 October 2012

The Chainsaw Massacre 2003


For my power point presentation my chosen film was The Chainsaw Massacre 2003, I selected this movie choice as I am a big fan of horror films and I have watched this film a series of time and thoroughly enjoyed it. From watching the trailer I was able to complete a full analysis of the trailer. 

The genre of this film is horror, as an audience we are able to identify this by the typical horror conventions used such as the isolated areas, the dramatic music, the number of people within the friendship group and there age. We are able to see these through many establishing shots and medium 3 shots. The music throughout the trailer varies, an example of this could be when the tensions start adapting the music becomes a lot more faster and dramatic, but throughout the trailer it keeps a watchable speed, so that us the audience dont loose concentration. 
The trailer targets it audience by using a group of teenagers around the age of 18/19 plus, that are obviously on vacation which is another typical horror convention, The film trailer lasts approx 2 minutes and 21 seconds, which is a very common trailer length after researching and analysing The Hills Have Eyes and Paranormal Activity 1,2,3 they do no last longer than 3 minutes, this is so that the trailer does not reveal to much information and keeps the audience wondering 'oh I wonder what actually happens and do they survive'. This creates a sense of enigma. There are 99 shots within this movie trailer and these are all combined with black shots, fade outs and shots which provide information to the audience, such as the date, location and the most important intertitle which is the unique selling point 'Inspired by a true story' at this point this makes the audience think 'wow this has actually happened' and it creates a sense of fear and makes them want to watch it more because they want to know what exactly happens because it has already happened to someone. 

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